花火(はなび)のきせつ Fireworks Season
Read about daily life in the UK and Japanese culture, written in simple Japanese for three levels: Starter, Beginner, and Intermediate. Audio is also available on podcasts and Spotify.
湖(みずうみ)The Lake
ねこのるすばん The Cat Home Alone
おぼん 2023 Obon 2023 - A Japanese tradition
ねこシッターのおれい Thanks Gift for Cat-Sitting
選挙の投票場(せんきょのとうひょうじょう)Dogs at Polling Stations
ねこのトイレ Cat Litter
アイスコーヒーを父の日(ちちのひ)にIced Coffee for Father's Day
じゅういさんへ Going to the vet
新しい家族(あたらしいかぞく)New Family Member
にほんのぶんか:ひなまつり HINAMATSURI - Traditional Japanese Culture
にほんのぶんか:せつぶん SETSUBUN - Traditional Japanese Culture
いぬのコート Dog Coats
コンサート The Concert - John Williams
くうこうで At the Airport
にほんのぶんか:七五三 Japanese Culture Shichi Go San
おおきいえき Big Station
かぞくがきます My family is coming to the UK
すいはんき Rice cooker