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Notebooks and Pencils

GCSE Japanese Books and Websites

There are no GCSE Japanese textbooks available from major publishers. Please use the information here to support your learning.
If you are a complete beginner, check 
how to start learning Japanese.

My Workbooks and Other Recommendations

Designed for teen learners who have learnt basics and want to develop reading and writing skills. Suitable for GCSE preparation (N5 level).

A collection of sample questions for GCSE translations and essays.

  • 120 Kanji for Beginners - Coming in 2025!

Covers all GCSE Foundation kanji, 60% of Higher kanji, and most of the JLPT N5 kanji.

  • Paperback available from Amazon 

  • The PDF version is available

This workbook is suitable for those who have learnt up to: 

  • Marugoto A1 Lesson 18 (all)

  • Genki Lesson 5

  • Minnano Nihongo Lesson 13

  • ​国語 小学校 2〜3年生

For GCSE Japanese candidates, this workbook can be used prior to the exam year to gain an all-round knowledge of GCSE Japanese before working on past papers.


It covers grammar such as てForm, Dictionary Form, ない Form and た Form as well as topics and vocabulary relevant to secondary school students with model texts.

All-in-one GCSE Writing Test practice workbook including sample questions with spaces to write in. I found printing out past papers wasn't ideal, so I created original material. My students like it because they can keep it organised until the exam!

Tutorial: How to write GCSE Japanese essays 

Screenshot 2024-10-02 at

Downloadable Materials

Other GCSE Resources and Information

GCSE Writing Practice

GCSE Writing Test consists of multiple tasks.


Foundation Tier

  1. Describing a Picture

  2. Writing a Letter

  3. Short Essay

  4. Translation

Higher Tier

  1. Short Essay

  2. Long Essay

  3. Translation


Set of practice questions for Foundation and Higher Tier exam tasks.  PDF versions are listed here. 

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