Japanese classes South London and Online
34 Sunderland Road, Forest Hill SE23 2QA
Japanese as Family Language
小学校の時「うちはいいかな」と思っていた日本語に最近興味が出てきたので、というお問い合わせをいただくことが多く、日本語を外国語として学ぶコースを紹介しています。当ページのQ&Aをご覧の上、Beginners Japanese のページへどうぞ。
You may be one of those who gradually became interested in Japanese after starting secondary school. You are most welcome! We offer courses to learn Japanese as a foreign language so that you can study with other English speakers of the same age as you. See the FAQ below and then visit Beginners Japanese.
Beginners Japanese - Who is this course for?
I want to talk to my Japanese family
I want to retain it as an identity
My friends like Japanese culture
I speak in English at home
Beginners Japanese Course for Heritage Learners
Is that OK if I cannot read Japanese alphabet?
Yes. Learning Hiragana is a part of the course. You may need to catch up if you joined later.
I speak very little Japanese
No problem, the lessons are held in English. Conversation and listening practice will be provided.
I have conversation skills but cannot read Japanese
Would you like to consider classes taught in Japanese? It is possible if you speak Japanese and think you can quickly catch up with Hiragana and Katakana by yourself.
How old are the students?
Our classes are for secondary school students. Many people become interested in Japanese during their teenage years, and we often receive inquiries from around Y9. We have a few students who joined when they were in Year 12.
Is this course for British students?
Yes. The course is for British secondary school students who are interested in Japan and the Japanese language. Many British students join the class after learning Hiragana and Katakana on their own through apps like Duolingo and they are highly motiveted.
外国語学習としての日本語コースにいる生徒は試験を目的にしていない人が大半です。保護者なしでの日本旅行達成したり、日本語を使うアルバイトをしたり、日本語をきっかけに交友関係が広がる可能性などがモチベーションや成果になっているようです。学校でDuke of Edinburgh Awardを行う生徒はよくスキルに日本語を選んでいます。大学の日本語コースに進学した生徒もいます。生徒の希望があった場合はGCSEの指導も行います。
Are there qualifications I can aim for?
The majority of students in our 'Japanese as MFL course' do not aim to sit the exams. Their motivations and achievements can be travelling to Japan, working part-time using Japanese, or developing friendships through Japanese. Students who take the Duke of Edinburgh Award at school often choose Japanese as their new skill. Some students have moved on to Japanese language courses at the university. Also, guidance on GCSE Japanese is provided if the student wishes to do so.
2つのレベルがあり、Foundation Tier(1-5)は漢字が76字で、Higher Tier(1-9)の漢字は200字です。Foundationは無理のない力試しに良いレベルです。イギリス人の生徒で3年ぐらい継続しそうな人には紹介しています。継承語学習者の中で日本語に限らず学習能力が高い生徒や、モチベーションが高くじっくり3年ぐらい勉強できる生徒はHigher Tier(1-9)に挑戦することもあります。
About GCSE Japanese
There are two levels, Foundation Tier (1-5) with 76 kanji and Higher Tier (1-9) with 200 Kanji. Foundation Tier is a reasonable test to try out. I mention it to students who are likely to continue studying Japanese for about three years. Higher Tier is recommended for people who are highly motivated and dedicated to studying in general, with more time e.g. 3 years or more.